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Safety News

  • Heat Stress

    Safety Talks – Heat Stress

    As global temperatures continue to rise we are experiencing more extreme temperature fluctuations throughout each year. Heat stress and illnesses can be prevented when you have the ability to spot the symptoms. The following are a few helpful tips to prevent heat illness. What is Heat Stress? Heat stress occurs when the body is unable […] READ MORE...

  • Safety Ppe

    Safety Talks – PPE

    Personal Protective Equipment or PPE for short, help to protect against various workplace hazards. Controlling a hazard at its source is the best way to protect employees. However, depending on the hazard, administrative or engineering controls may not be enough. When to wear PPE: Before resorting to PPE Use Administrative Controls Does this job need […] READ MORE...

  • Construction Worksite Safety Sign

    Safety Talks – Construction Worksite Safety

    When entering a construction site, there are many safety requirements to keep in mind. Most are common sense and may sound repetitive, however it never hurts to review the following points regarding construction worksite safety. How to Identify a Construction Site: The perimeter of a construction site is usually defined by a barrier such as […] READ MORE...

  • Confined Space Entry

    Safety Talks – Confined Space Entry

    Roughly 10% of all confined space entry accidents result in someone’s death. Specific procedures must be developed and followed for every entry due to the fact that confined spaces present a variety of hazards. The following points are a good place to start to review your facility’s procedures regarding permit required – confined space entry. […] READ MORE...

  • Confined Space Sign

    Safety Talks – Confined Spaces Identification

    Identifying confined spaces within your facility can be a challenge, especially when you don’t know what signs to look for. Using the following points as reference will make confined space identification easier within your facility. A confined space will meet all of the following criteria: Have limited means of egress Manholes Removable Plates / Hatches […] READ MORE...