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Safety News

  • Hazard Communication Standard

    Why Safety Data Sheets are a crucial part of your Hazard Communication program

    A key component of a company’s written hazard communication program are Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), which are written or printed materials around hazardous chemicals prepared in accordance with the requirements in paragraph (g) of the Hazard Communication Standard. The HCS continually finds itself on OSHA’s Top Ten Most Frequently Cited Violations. Of the top five […] READ MORE...

  • Heat Illness Prevention

    Heat Stress Prevention Tips

    As the summer temperatures rise, so do the dangers of working in high heat. This can be especially true in areas of the country where workers are used to milder weather for most of the year and are not accustomed to high temperatures. Heat stress prevention is possible when you take the correct actions. OSHA […] READ MORE...

  • Confined Space Rescue

    Take control of your confined space rescue response with these 7 steps

    When was the last time you had to execute a confined space rescue at your facility? Hopefully the answer is “never” but it’s important to always have a plan in place if the situation ever presents itself. The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) recommends the following steps to help safety professionals respond if someone […] READ MORE...

  • Osha Enforcement

    Advocacy Group Claims, OSHA’s Enforcement Efforts Coming Up Short

    Washington, DC — Two months after Secretary of Labor R. Alexander Acosta touted OSHA’s increased number of inspections, the National Employment Law Project has released new data showing that the agency is coming up short in one measure. In a data brief issued June 11, NELP states that enforcement units in OSHA’s Enforcement Weighting System, which places values […] READ MORE...

  • Silica Regulations

    OSHA Silica Regulations Results in 116 Violations in first 6 months

    OSHA’s newer and more stringent regulations regarding employee’s exposure to respirable crystalline silica officially went into effect on September 23, 2017.  The new silica regulations reduced the permissible exposure limit of the substance, which is found mostly in products containing sand (like concrete, mortar, and brick), from 250 micrograms per cubic meter of air down to 50 […] READ MORE...