How To Manage Environmental Risks in the Workplace

In 2019, over 200,000 workplace injuries occurred as the result of a slip, trip, or fall. Depending on the circumstances, it’s not unlikely that a scenario like this could require a trip to the emergency room, time off work, etc.
Minimizing the environmental risks at your workplace is essential when it comes to keeping your employees safe. We’ve put together a brief guide that details how you can go about doing so.
Let’s dive into everything you need to know about eliminating workplace hazards.
Frequently Inspect Your Equipment
One of the best ways to reduce workplace hazards is by frequently inspecting your equipment. This means checking for any damage or potential malfunctions.
If something looks out of the ordinary, it’s important to address it as soon as possible. Not only will this keep your employees safe, but it’ll also help maintain the lifespan of your equipment. This is essential to keep in mind since purchasing or repairing equipment on a regular basis can easily cut into your budget.
Under some circumstances, this can make it more difficult for you to scale your business when you intend to. So, environmental risk should never be ignored.
Properly Manage Chemicals at Your Facility
Chemicals can be extremely dangerous if not handled and stored properly.
When working with them, always make sure to wear the appropriate PPE and follow all safety precautions. It’s also worth noting that you should provide workers with full access to chemical information through a safety data sheet (SDS).
This document will detail how to store, manage, and transport chemicals that you work with. This will go a long way toward minimizing chemical hazards.
One of the best ways to ensure accessibility to this document is by using online SDS management. You can check out this resource to learn more.
Keep an Eye on Your Environment
Environmental factors can also pose a risk to employees.
Things like extreme temperatures, loud noises, and air pollution can all lead to workplace injuries or health hazards. Biological hazards are some of the most dangerous to deal with. For instance, the presence of a substance like asbestos could lead to cancer or lung disease.
To mitigate these risks, it’s important to keep an eye on your environment and make necessary adjustments when needed. You run the risk of encountering difficulties with the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) if you do not do so.
If a representative from this organization deems that your workplace is unsafe, you could face fines, penalties, and similar consequences.
You Cannot Neglect Environmental Risks in Your Workplace
In order to keep your workers as safe as possible, you must tackle environmental risks as soon as you encounter them. Keep this in mind when moving forward so that you can make the best decision for your business and avoid unnecessary complications.
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